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Health and Safety

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

UV Microphone Sanitizer Trials

We have been doing alot of research into keeping our singers safe, and are trialing a UV microphone sanitizer on our mobile unit. Here is our reference material.

UV light has been shown to be effective at killing bacteria and viruses, including the coronavirus. As a result, many businesses and individuals are turning to UV light as a means of sanitizing their surroundings and reducing the spread of illness.

One application of UV light for sanitization that we have been researching is the use of a UV microphone sanitizer on our mobile unit. With the increased focus on health and safety in the entertainment industry, it is important for us to take steps to protect our singers and other performers.

The UV microphone sanitizer works by exposing the microphone to UV-C light, which has a wavelength of between 200-280 nanometers. This wavelength is particularly effective at killing viruses and bacteria, making it an ideal choice for sanitization purposes.

To use the UV microphone sanitizer, the microphone is simply placed inside the unit and exposed to the UV-C light for a set amount of time. The unit is designed to be portable and easy to use, making it an ideal solution for use on our mobile unit.

We have been conducting trials of the UV microphone sanitizer and so far, the results have been promising. The sanitizer has proven to be effective at killing bacteria and viruses on the microphone, helping to reduce the risk of illness for our singers and other performers.

While the UV microphone sanitizer is just one aspect of our efforts to keep our singers safe, we believe it is an important tool in the fight against the spread of illness. We will continue to research and invest in technologies and practices that help to protect the health and well-being of our performers and crew.

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